

Engitech Ltd  is involved in mining and supplying various grades Metallic and Non-Metallic Minerals. Our company is mainly focusing on providing highest standard product quality in accordance to our customer’s requirement. Our aim is to become an industry leader in the field of minerals by offering our customers value-added services and incomparable service standards.

Currently we are mining and supplying following minerals:

  • Talc / Soapstone  - Finest quality product (over 95% whiteness)
  • Calcium Carbonate - Available in different sizes and grades
  • Chromite - Available in different grades mainly over 40%
  • Phosphate - Available in different grades (including 26%, 28%, 30%)
  • Our Talc is a coming from open-pit and underground deposits.


Barite chemical name is Barium Sulphate and is an environmentally friendly material as it is a natural product (not manufactured). Engitech Limited offers its clients quality Barite, which is a dense mineral comprising barium sulfate [BaSO4].

The benefits in use include:

  • Natural Product
  • Non Toxic
  • High specific Gravity
  • Inert (Chemically and physically un-reactive)
  • Low oil adsorption
  • Good sound deadening and radiation shielding
  • High whiteness (where applicable)

Barite is commonly used as a density increasing agent for all types of drilling mud. One of the essential functions of drilling mud is the control of formation fluid pressure to prevent blowouts. Sometimes the mud density must be raised to stabilize fragile formations to reduce the risk of a blowout.

Barite increases the hydrostatic pressure of the drilling mud, allowing it to compensate for high-pressure zones experienced during drilling. Barite’s added advantage is that its softness enables it to become a lubricant, which reduced the damage to drilling tools during drilling.

Barite virtually is insoluble in water, and it does not react with other components in the mud.